Legal Notice

Information in accordance with Article 5 German Telemedia Act ("Telemediengesetz"):

Erler+Pless GmbH
Holstenhofweg 43
22043 Hamburg

Represented by:

Simon Pless, Kim Simmerlein


Telephone: +49 (0) 40 248 448 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 40 248 448 - 90

Register entry:

Entry in the commercial register.
Registry court: District Court Hamburg
Registry number: HRB 41740

Value added tax (VAT):

VAT ID number in accordance with §27 a Value Added Tax Act ("Umsatzsteuergesetz"):

Settlement of disputes

We are neither obligated nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement proceeding initiated by a consumer settlement agency.

Liability for content

As a service provider, we are liable under Art. 7 Sec. 1 TMG for our own content on these pages in line with the generally applicable laws and regulations. However, in accordance with Articles 8–10 TMG, as a service provider we are not obligated to monitor transferred or stored third-party information or to research for circumstances that point to an unlawful activity.

Obligations for the removal or deletion of the use of information in accordance with the applicable laws remain unaffected by this. Liability in this regard is, however, only possible from the point in time that understanding regarding a specific legal infringement was attained. Once respective legal violations have become known, we will remove this content immediately.

Liability for links

Our offer also includes links to third-party websites. We have no influence on the content of these websites. Therefore, we assume no liability for the content of third-party websites. The respective provider is always responsible for the content of the linked websites of pages. At the time the link to these websites was set, we reviewed the content for any possible legal violations. At that point in time, no legal violations were encountered.

An ongoing content-related control of the linked websites is not possible or feasible without any specific indications. Once respective legal violations have become known, we will remove these links immediately.

Copyright law

The content and works provided by the site operator and appearing on this site are subject to German copyright laws. The distribution, editing, processing and any type of use outside the bounds of copyright law requires the written approval of the respective author or originator. Downloads and copies of this page may only be used for private, non-commercial use.

Insofar as the content on this page has not been compiled by the operator, then the copyright laws of third parties will be considered. In particular, third-party content will be labelled as such. If you are made aware of a copyright infringement, then we kindly ask you to notify us. Once respective legal violations have become known, we will remove this content immediately.


Photo credits:

#257851391 - © Rico Ködder –
#41730698 - © vovan –
#303140324 - © 忆江 –
#217412087 - © olenatur –
#204062063 - © Rixie –
#233422713 - © alisared –
#370167000 - © Elena –
#12037217 - © arquiplay77 –
#292340883 - © Gorodenkoff –
#773185422 - © Chomphu –

„dental treatment“ © Caroline LM /
